10" reproduction of the 500lb M43 Demolition bomb dropped by Doolittle's Raiders on April 18, 1942. Includes full-color Doolittle Raider patch printed directly on 10" x 6" Indiana walnut stand.
Production limited to 80 items! First come-first serve, no reservations, one per shipping address.
Highly detailed model based on exhaustive multi-agency research. Authentic FSC paint scheme, realistically modelled nose and tail fuses, arming wire (including simulated ferrel, loop and fahnestock clips) and highly detailed Japanese 1908 & 1940 medals like those attached by Lt Col Doolittle, CAPT Mitscher and the Doolittle Raiders. To top it all off...four representations of documented grafitti were reproduced by current USAF Doolittle squadron crews and added to model. The "Godspeed Raiders" and "Kilroy was Here" graffiti included to remember the Raiders and the pop culture of that generation. Museum quality.
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SKU: doolittlem43walnut

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