How We Make 'Em
Some customers are amazed at the quality, colors and details of our models...we are honored and humbled.
Some customers, not familiar with 3D printing, think that our models come straight out of a printer in a single piece, painted, detailed and we just put it in a box for shipping.
​The fact is every one of our models is the product of a very technical and laborious process. Every model we sell is 100% 'Made in the USA' by a veteran and made to order, first come, first serve.
All our standard products may take up to 3-4 weeks to print, sand, fit, prime, paint, assemble, and finish depending on the quantity of orders. The Armament Shop is a one-man, veteran-owned shop at this time.
Custom designs may take longer - depending on the amount of time required to design and the size and colors on finish product.
The Armament Shop aspires to give YOU an affordable model you will be proud to display and we are proud to sell. That is why our logo is on every one.
Here's a 'quick' primer for the process (27 steps from start-to-finish) we use to create a single model.
RESEARCH & DESIGN (Weeks to Months)
Research/References - Gather info from multiple sources (e.g. online site/images, books/magazines, Subject Matter Experts [SME] such as AMMO troops, Loaders, Program Managers, aircrew, etc.) to determine the specific model to be made.
Design in 3D - Produce initial design in 3D programs (we use ZBrush and Keyshot Pro for this step) and then get feedback from SME's. The production process for each specific model is factored into the design phase and the resulting design becomes the basis for the 1st prototype. This can take several weeks since we are juggling design and production for multiple models simultaneously.
PROTOTYPING (Weeks to Months)
1st Prototype & Fit Checks - Print first prototype from ZBrush to SLA printer as STL file
Design Tweaks - After result of the 1st prototype the design usually needs some 'tweaks' (parts are too thin/thick, don't fit together right, etc. - sometimes what's on the monitor doesn't look like what comes out of the printer.) Once the tweaks are done we proceed to the 2nd prototype.
2nd/Final Prototype - A 2nd prototype is done to get the finalized (aka production) design
Color Test - Based on the research phase, paint is sourced to match the weapon and applied IAW references
Decal/Stencil Prototype & Production - The required decals/stencils are prototyped and sourced to ensure the best detail quality possible. It’s a balancing act - have enough detail to make the model unique but not so much time that will increase the time/money spent on each item.
Stand Sourcing & Prototyping - The stand is sourced and prototypes are created to make sure the weapon will sit securely on the stand. We know we can rely on our main source for our stands - Hampel's Woodland Products (an Indiana-based company specializing in high-quality, custom wood products.) They have been with us from the beginning.
Shipping Box Sourcing & Prototyping - Shipping containers and packing material are sourced and laser cut to each design to make sure your model can reliably be shipped and received in one piece.
PRODUCTION (2-3 Weeks)
3D Production Print - Our 3D production prints are done on a Formlabs Form 2 SLA printer. Form 2’s can reliably and accurately print detail as small as 25-microns – the diameter of a white blood cell or half the thickness of a human hair! Form 2’s are used in several business sectors (e.g. dentistry, jewelry making, etc.) which require speedy, affordable, high-quality output. The Form 2’s level of detail means you can see the pin-head sized Phillips screw on the dome actuator cover on our AGM-65. With the level of detail comes a cost in time, it takes longer than a typical 3D printer to print stuff but most will agree that it is worth the final result. FYSA the bomb body of our GBU-31(V)1 can be made up of more than three thousand 50-micron layers and take 30+ hours to print in Formlab's Tough Resin!
Alcohol Wash – Every Form 2 print requires a 20 minute wash in isopropyl alcohol to clean excess resin from the print
UV Cure – All parts are cured for an hour in a UV “oven” to strengthen the models so they can be safely handled and shipped
Drying – All the parts then dry for at least 24 hours to ensure the primer and paint will adhere
Inspection, Support Removal & Sanding/Fitting – Not every print is perfect every time. Failures with Form 2's are a rarity but when it happens it can range from 'not good' to 'catastrophic' - a teeny foreign object gets into the print bed and fouls a layer, movement/vibration causes waviness, temperature fluctuations, etc. Our GBU-31(V)1 is comprised of 12 different pieces - every piece needs support structures to be trimmed by hand using flush cut diagonal cutters. Each piece is then filed and sanded by hand to ensure a snug fit during assembly.
Masking (if required) – Each part is masked by hand before painting to protect areas where pieces are glued together during the assembly
Priming - Once everything is cleaned up, two layers of Tamiya Fine Surface Gray primer is sprayed by hand then allowed to fully dry
Masking (if required) - Additional masking is done by hand to prep the model for additional paint
Base Coating – Base colors for each part are applied by hand then allowed to dry
Masking & Secondary Coating – If additional colors are required, additional masking is done by hand as needed and new color(s) are applied by rattle can or airbrush and allowed to dry
Initial Detailing – At this stage the major detailing (screw heads, low and HE bands, connectors, cables, etc.) are applied by hand using fine detailing brushes
Assembly – Each model is then assembled by hand. We only use professional grade Cyanoacrylate (CA) adhesives. This step is also where we also add weight to some of our models for realistic heft, so they don't feel like plastic toys.
Decaling/Stenciling – Custom designed, weapon-specific decals and/or stencils are applied by hand/airbrush to replicate weapon-specific markings.
Final Detailing – Final detailing is done by hand before going to final clear coating/sealing
Clear Coat Seal – Two to three coats of high-quality semi-gloss or matte clear are applied by hand to every model to limit sunlight/UV damage to the models and protect our work and your investment
PACKING & SHIPPING (1-15 days)
Final inspection – Every model receives a thorough visual inspection before it is packaged for delivery - we do not tolerate or sell 'half-assed' products. If it looks like crap, it is destroyed and replaced with one that is 'up to snuff.'
Packaging - Each package includes custom cut foam to ensure the item reaches its destination unscathed
Shipping – Every CONUS package is shipped fully insured via USPS 1-3 Business Day Priority mail. OCONUS packages are shipped fully insured in the fastest shipping method feasible per the customer’s purchase/request. Note: 2-3 Day Priority shipments to APO’s may take an additional 7-10 days to clear customs.
Click for "Why We Make 'Em."