The Armament Shop spawned from a serious hobbyist interest in 2D computer/web graphics, 3D modeling for 2D art/graphics and a dream to make 3D characters/creatures like those made by Pixar.
As an USAF AMMO troop, while sitting on the flightline during Line-D runs, I would sketch the aircraft and MX troops working on Vipers and Phantoms. Self-taught with early digital 2D software, I would try to clean up my sketches in digital.
Playing computer games led to a desire to understand how 3D graphics worked. I bought my first cheap 3D software but my steep learning curve and the software's limitations meant my interest waned.
Then I saw 'Jurassic Park' and Pixar movies - my 3D art dreams re-awoke.
By that time I could afford better software, there were tutorials online that meant I could do basic stuff...I was hooked.
Eventually I discovered ZBrush and after 10+ years of after-work trial and error I finally discovered what real 3D modeling could looked like. Real artists on ZBrush Central inspired me to get better. After ~20 years of tinkering with 2D and 3D software I could create a convincing 2D print but that was about it. I thought I knew what was going on...I had no clue.
In early 2016 I was asked by a co-worker if I could print one of my 2D creations in 3D and sell it for a going-away gift. I told him yes (a fib) and maybe (I had no idea.) Searching the 'Net desperately trying to figure out how to make a 3D print that was good enough to buy.
With my trusty copy of ZBrush, and the help of a local 3D business I found online, I designed and paid cash for my first 3D print. With the very gracious help of my co-worker (aka my first customer) we finished the first batch of GBU-31V(3)s. Holding the first finished JDAM was overwhelming - I was hooked on 3D printing.
The requests grew; local B-1B pilots, WSO's, weapons loaders and AMMO troops. Word-of-mouth spread. Veterans and contractors joined in. USAF, USN, USMC and US Army troops from around the world are honored customers.
Looking back, the blending of three of my passions - art, computers and the military - only makes sense. I'm back to where I started in AMMO, assembling missiles and bombs except now I don't have to haul ass 3,000 feet in 45-90 seconds when I drop a 'weapon.'
The Armament Shop is proud to specialize in made-to-order, 3D printed, high resolution military-related models.
God Bless our Troops (past, present and future)!